Thursday, May 26, 2011

Quick update

Ok, I apparently have been receiving a lot of visitors, so I figure I should at least update once in awhile. I meant to try a positive review for once, just to see if I can actually do it, but I recently developed TMJ and my jaw feels like someone hit me in the face with a baseball bat. So once it heals, I hope I'll be able to get another video up. Maybe I can find my real camera and stop with the bad webcam videos.

Anyway, the next review will hopefully be coming soon. See you guys later, I gotta go ice my jaw.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Restaurant Review 2: Hog Heaven.

Shitty video time! Seriously though, sorry about the guerrilla style photography and poor sound and lighting; I'm on my webcam again because I don't know where the charger is for my normal camera.

Caution: I swear alot.