Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Game review #1: Thief Gold

Good lord, I own a lot of video games. Not as much as the Angry Video Game Nerd or The Spoony One or any of the other major game reviewers, but I have a fair amount. See, I've been gaming since I got the original NES when I was about 4 or 5. And after 20 years worth of birthdays and Christmases and just random buying, I've accumulated a fair collection of games. NES, Genesis, Playstation, Xbox, Xbox 360, I've gone through the normal consoles and enjoyed them all. But I'm probably gonna stick with more recent games, as I've not touched any older games recently that weren't for PC. And on that note, I'm going to review a PC game I've been playing a lot lately, mainly because they're working on a sequel right now: Thief Gold.

Now, this game came out in 1998, so it looks very dated compared to today's games, but it is still an excellent game. The levels are large and gorgeous, with a fair amount to discover in each. I've not gotten through the whole game, but I get nervous when I play it and need to take a lot of breaks. I try to ghost my way through, maybe blackjacking a couple guards along the way, but because of the darkness and Garrett's complete lack of any decent sword skills, it gets nerve wracking. Add in zombies and other critters that can kill you and it's just plain creepy. The voice acting is really hit and miss, which is normal for the time; Garrett is especially well done by Stephen Russell who has continued to voice him throughout the series.

All in all, Thief is a great game and a great series. It's hard to say "if you like 'insert genre here', you'll like this" because Thief is a genre-bending game. It's what's called a first person sneaker. If you enjoy stealth games and first person games, you should enjoy Thief. Cheers, you taffers. ;-)

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