Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Just a quick update to this one; I say late last night/early this morning…don’t really remember when this was so I can’t update it. Just deal with it. :)

Just finished playing Bioshock 2 late last night/early this morning and I have to say: I liked it better than the first one. It’s rare I get to say that about a sequel; usually they’re much worse than the original (Like Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time and Prince of Persia: Warrior Within). I liked almost everything about this one better than the first. The ability to use plasmids and a gun at the same time, the power of the plasmids, the weapons, the Big Sisters, I just enjoyed it. The things that I disliked about the first one were mostly gone in this and I was happy about that. In the original Bioshock, I felt too much like I was being lead around by the short hairs, which I guess was kinda the point of the game; that was basically the plot of it. The second one, while still very linear, felt a little more open to me; I don’t know why, but I felt like I was able to wander around the areas more.

It also seemed to last a lot longer than the first one (to me at least). Plasmids were powerful, but not “I AM GOD, BOW BEFORE ME BITCHES” powerful. ADAM was more plentiful in this one, probably because there are 4 different sources for it: gathering with Little Sisters, saving/harvesting the LS, killing Big Sisters and ADAM slugs in the underwater segments. But to balance that out, there are a good deal of plasmids, each of which has 2 upgraded forms, and an enormous amount of gene tonics to add to your power. One especially lovely gene tonic was the “Drill Specialist”. It limits you weapon wise to just the drill, the research camera and the hacking gun but it makes the amount of EVE your plasmids use so miniscule that if you’re feeling froggy, you can go old school Big Daddy on the splicers of Rapture, which is decidedly awesome and gory as hell.

My only complaint was the “good” ending. It didn’t seem good to me; I went through the trouble of saving Every Single Little Sister in the game and it gave me a kinda lack luster good ending, but I guess that’s par for the course; the first game’s good ending was kinda crappy too. Anyway, I’m gonna say what every review I’ve read says: if you liked Bioshock, you’ll like 2. If you were sorta on the fence about the first one, like I was, you might like this one. If you hated it, don’t bother. Cheers.

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